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Vercel API examples & templates

Use these vals as a playground to view and fork Vercel API examples and templates on Val Town. Run any example below or find templates that can be used as a pre-built solution.
tahsin avatar
Vercel AI SDK with Val Town! Use the Vercel AI SDK in your Vals. Note : you must add your OpenAI key to your Val Town Env variables under OPENAI_API_KEY . If you would like to specify a different name for your API Key, you can create a custom OpenAI provider with the createOpenAI function. Prefer another AI provider? Use any supported provider by changing just two lines of code!
stevekrouse avatar
The actual code for VALL-E:
mharris717 avatar
The actual code for VALL-E:
janpaul123 avatar
The actual code for VALL-E:
stevekrouse avatar
The actual code for VALL-E:
vladimyr avatar
// @see:
rauchg avatar
@jsxImportSource npm:react
damidina avatar
cheerioScraper This val scrapes a website to extract all the URLs from anchor ( <a> ) tags using the cheerio library. Usage import scrapeWebsite from 'val:damidina.cheerioScraper'; const urls = await scrapeWebsite(''); console.log(urls);
stevekrouse avatar
Val Town Docs Feedback Form & Handler Live form Val Town Docs YouTube tutorial that explains v17 of this val This feedback form was linked on our docs site. This val renders an HTML form, including pre-fills the user's email address if they've submitted the form in the past (via a cookie), and pre-fills the URL by grabbing it out of the query params. It handles form submissions, including parsing the form, saving the data into @stevekrouse.docsFeedback , a private JSON val, and then returns a thank you message, and set's the user's email address as a cookie, to save them some keystrokes the next time they fill out the form. Another val, @stevekrouse.formFeedbackAlert , polls on an interval for new form submissions, and if it finds any, forwards them on a private Val Town discord channel. There are a number of subtleties to the way each of some features are implemented. A user submitted three pieces of feedback in quick succession, so I thought it'd be nice if we remembered user's email addresses after their first form submissions. There are classically two ways to do this, cookies or localstorage. I choose cookies. It requires setting them in the response header and getting them out of the request header. I used a Deno library to parse the cookie but I set it manually because that seemed simpler. You may be wondering about how I'm getting the referrer out of the query params instead of from the HTTP Referrer header. I tried that at first, but it's increasingly difficult to get path data from it due to more restrictive security policies . So instead I decided to include the URL data in a query param. I get it there via this script in my blog's site: function updateFeedback(ref) { let feedback = [...document.getElementsByTagName('a')].find(e => e.innerText == 'Feedback') feedback.setAttribute('href', "" + ref) } setTimeout(() => updateFeedback(document.location.href), 100); navigation.addEventListener('navigate', e => updateFeedback(e.destination.url)); Finally, you may be wondering why I queue up feedback in @stevekrouse.docsFeedback , a private JSON val, and then process it via @stevekrouse.formFeedbackAlert instead of sending it along to Discord directly in this val. I tried that originally but it felt too slow to wait for the API call to Discord before returning the "Thanks for your feedback" message. This is where the context.waitUntil method (that Cloudflare workers and Vercel Edge Functions support) would really come in handy – those allow you to return a Response, and then continue to compute. Currently Val Town requires you to stop all compute with the returning of your Response, so the only way to compute afterwards is to queue it up for another val to take over, and that's what I'm doing here.
simonharrisco avatar
An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by simonharrisco
parkerdavis avatar
Val Town Docs Feedback Form & Handler Live form Val Town Docs YouTube tutorial that explains v17 of this val This feedback form is linked on our docs site. This val renders an HTML form, including pre-fills the user's email address if they've submitted the form in the past (via a cookie), and pre-fills the URL by grabbing it out of the query params. It handles form submissions, including parsing the form, saving the data into @stevekrouse.docsFeedback , a private JSON val, and then returns a thank you message, and set's the user's email address as a cookie, to save them some keystrokes the next time they fill out the form. Another val, @stevekrouse.formFeedbackAlert , polls on an interval for new form submissions, and if it finds any, forwards them on a private Val Town discord channel. There are a number of subtleties to the way each of some features are implemented. A user submitted three pieces of feedback in quick succession, so I thought it'd be nice if we remembered user's email addresses after their first form submissions. There are classically two ways to do this, cookies or localstorage. I choose cookies. It requires setting them in the response header and getting them out of the request header. I used a Deno library to parse the cookie but I set it manually because that seemed simpler. You may be wondering about how I'm getting the referrer out of the query params instead of from the HTTP Referrer header. I tried that at first, but it's increasingly difficult to get path data from it due to more restrictive security policies . So instead I decided to include the URL data in a query param. I get it there via this script in my blog's site: function updateFeedback(ref) { let feedback = [...document.getElementsByTagName('a')].find(e => e.innerText == 'Feedback') feedback.setAttribute('href', "" + ref) } setTimeout(() => updateFeedback(document.location.href), 100); navigation.addEventListener('navigate', e => updateFeedback(e.destination.url)); Finally, you may be wondering why I queue up feedback in @stevekrouse.docsFeedback , a private JSON val, and then process it via @stevekrouse.formFeedbackAlert instead of sending it along to Discord directly in this val. I tried that originally but it felt too slow to wait for the API call to Discord before returning the "Thanks for your feedback" message. This is where the context.waitUntil method (that Cloudflare workers and Vercel Edge Functions support) would really come in handy – those allow you to return a Response, and then continue to compute. Currently Val Town requires you to stop all compute with the returning of your Response, so the only way to compute afterwards is to queue it up for another val to take over, and that's what I'm doing here.
timlin avatar
Val Town Docs Feedback Form & Handler Live form Val Town Docs YouTube tutorial that explains v17 of this val This feedback form is linked on our docs site. This val renders an HTML form, including pre-fills the user's email address if they've submitted the form in the past (via a cookie), and pre-fills the URL by grabbing it out of the query params. It handles form submissions, including parsing the form, saving the data into @stevekrouse.docsFeedback , a private JSON val, and then returns a thank you message, and set's the user's email address as a cookie, to save them some keystrokes the next time they fill out the form. Another val, @stevekrouse.formFeedbackAlert , polls on an interval for new form submissions, and if it finds any, forwards them on a private Val Town discord channel. There are a number of subtleties to the way each of some features are implemented. A user submitted three pieces of feedback in quick succession, so I thought it'd be nice if we remembered user's email addresses after their first form submissions. There are classically two ways to do this, cookies or localstorage. I choose cookies. It requires setting them in the response header and getting them out of the request header. I used a Deno library to parse the cookie but I set it manually because that seemed simpler. You may be wondering about how I'm getting the referrer out of the query params instead of from the HTTP Referrer header. I tried that at first, but it's increasingly difficult to get path data from it due to more restrictive security policies . So instead I decided to include the URL data in a query param. I get it there via this script in my blog's site: function updateFeedback(ref) { let feedback = [...document.getElementsByTagName('a')].find(e => e.innerText == 'Feedback') feedback.setAttribute('href', "" + ref) } setTimeout(() => updateFeedback(document.location.href), 100); navigation.addEventListener('navigate', e => updateFeedback(e.destination.url)); Finally, you may be wondering why I queue up feedback in @stevekrouse.docsFeedback , a private JSON val, and then process it via @stevekrouse.formFeedbackAlert instead of sending it along to Discord directly in this val. I tried that originally but it felt too slow to wait for the API call to Discord before returning the "Thanks for your feedback" message. This is where the context.waitUntil method (that Cloudflare workers and Vercel Edge Functions support) would really come in handy – those allow you to return a Response, and then continue to compute. Currently Val Town requires you to stop all compute with the returning of your Response, so the only way to compute afterwards is to queue it up for another val to take over, and that's what I'm doing here.
nicoalbanese avatar
Vercel AI SDK with Val Town! Use the Vercel AI SDK in your Vals. Note : you must add your OpenAI key to your Val Town Env variables under OPENAI_API_KEY . If you would like to specify a different name for your API Key, you can create a custom OpenAI provider with the createOpenAI function. Prefer another AI provider? Use any supported provider by changing just two lines of code!
nerdymomocat avatar
Example usage of the add_to_notion_w_ai val Try with the money database . Read and watch the demo run here
guidoism avatar
An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by guidoism
yawnxyz avatar
An http and class wrapper for Vercel's AI SDK Usage: Groq:"tell me a beer joke"&provider=groq&model=llama3-8b-8192 Perplexity:"what's the latest phage directory capsid & tail article about?"&provider=perplexity Mistral:"tell me a joke?"&provider=mistral&model="mistral-small-latest" async function calculateEmbeddings(text) { const url = `${encodeURIComponent(text)}`; try { const response = await fetch(url); const data = await response.json(); return data; } catch (error) { console.error('Error calculating embeddings:', error); return null; } }