g avatar
Val Town Database This val exports vtdb , a correctly typed Kysely instance to query the @sqlite.db database containing public vals. Example usage: import { vtdb } from ''; const vals = await vtdb.selectFrom('vals') .selectAll() .orderBy('created_at desc') .limit(5) .execute(); console.log( =>;
rozek avatar
Public vals often use resources which have some usage limits ("quota"). Publishing such vals carries the risk that these quotas may be exceeded. For this reason, it makes sense to keep track of resource consumption and trigger a relevant response when a preset limit is reached (for example, one could provide the user with a meaningful error message). The "resettableQuotaTracker" is designed to help monitor resources that are replenished at a specific time (e.g., at a certain time each day or at the beginning of a month). Simply add an invocation of the "resettableQuotaTracker" into your val just before the tracked resource is going to be used and, from then on, that resource will be tracked and protected against excessive consumption. Usage Example Using a resettableQuotaTracker (within the val that requires the resource) is quite simple: import { resettableQuotaTracker } from '' const ResourceTable = 'xxx' // enter name of sqlite table that can be used const ResourceLimit = 10 // max. number of allowed requests before reset ;(async () => { const Tracker = await,ResourceLimit) let exceeded = await Tracker.LimitExceeded() // true if quota exceeded // can be used to chech the current status await Tracker.incrementIfAllowed() // increments resource usage if allowed // or throws a "LimitExceeded" exception otherwise ... now use your resource as usual })() Simply enter the name of an sqlite table in ResourceTable where the resource consumption should be logged, and specify in ResourceLimit how many calls are allowed before the resource needs to be replenished. The "resettableQuotaTracker" is designed to be accessed simultaneously from multiple vals without interfering with each other. Resetting the consumption must be handled, for example, by a separate CRON job. import { resettableQuotaTracker } from '' const ResourceTable = '' // enter name of sqlite table that can be used ;(async () => { const Tracker = await await Tracker.reset() })() API Reference static async new (TableName:string, Limit:number=10):resettableQuotaTracker creates a new resettableQuotaTracker instance for the table TableName (which must match the RegEx pattern /^[a-z_][0-9a-z_]+$/i ). If this table does not exist yet, it will be created automatically, with Limit set as the quota ( Limit is optional and is only needed when the table is created). async isReady ():Promise<boolean> returns a Promise that resolves to true as soon as the resettableQuotaTracker is available (this is unfortunately necessary because the constructor contains asynchronous code). async reset ():Promise<void> can be used to reset the resource consumption back to 0. async Usage ():Promise<number> returns the number of counted calls so far. async Limit ():Promise<number> returns the currently configured limit. async setLimit (newLimit:number):Promise<void> can be used to configure a new limit. async LimitExceeded ():Promise<boolean> returns true if the configured limit has been reached or exceeded, or false if further calls are still allowed. async increment ():Promise<void> increases the consumption counter by 1 (even if the configured limit has already been reached). async incrementIfAllowed ():Promise<void> increases the consumption counter by 1 only if the configured limit has not yet been reached. Important: the check and the incrementing of the counter occur in the same transaction , allowing multiple resettableQuotaTracker instances to access the same table simultaneously. Tests Some tests can be found in val resettableQuotaTracker_Test
maxm avatar
Simple wrapper to download project static files. import { importProjectFile } from ""; const styleCss = await importProjectFile(import.meta.url, "../public/style.css")
maxm avatar
WIDE Store any unstructured JSON data. Retrieve it with an expressive and efficient query system. WIDE is a library and service hosted on Val Town. Authenticate and use it with your Val Town credentials, or fork it and connect it to your own Clickhouse Instance. import { ValSession } from ''; import { Wide } from ''; // Use your Val Town API Token to create a session const wide = new Wide(await"valtown"))) // Write any data. await wide.write([ { user: {id: 1, name: 'Alice', email: '' }}, { user: {id: 2, name: 'Bob', email: '' }}, { user: {id: 3, name: 'Charlie', email: '' }}, ]); await wide.fields("user.") // => [ // { fieldName: "", fieldType: "string", count: 3 }, // { fieldName: "", fieldType: "number", count: 3 }, // { fieldName: "", fieldType: "string", count: 3 } // ] await wide.values("") // [ // { value: "", count: 1 }, // { value: "", count: 1 }, // { value: "", count: 1 } // ] await{ start: new Date( - 1000 * 60 * 10), end: new Date(), filters: [{ fieldName: "", operator: "equals", value: "Alice" }], }) // [{ user: { name: "Alice", email: "", id: 1 } }];
maxm avatar
Val Session import { ValSession } from ""; // Generate a token from your valtown api key. const token = await ValSession.newSession(Deno.env.get("valtown")); // Other services can use it to authenticate const user = await ValSession.validate(token); Fork it, provide your own VT_SESSION_PRIVATE_KEY, and update the hardcoded public key. You can generate your own keys like so: import { crypto } from ""; // Generate a key pair for JWT signing and verification const { privateKey, publicKey } = await crypto.subtle.generateKey( { name: "RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5", modulusLength: 2048, publicExponent: new Uint8Array([1, 0, 1]), hash: "SHA-256", }, true, ["sign", "verify"], ); function formatPEM(b64: string, type: "PRIVATE KEY" | "PUBLIC KEY"): string { const lines = b64.match(/.{1,64}/g) || []; return `-----BEGIN ${type}-----\n${lines.join("\n")}\n-----END ${type}-----`; } const privateKeyPem = formatPEM( btoa(String.fromCharCode( Uint8Array(exportPrivateKey))), "PRIVATE KEY", ); const publicKeyPem = formatPEM( btoa(String.fromCharCode( Uint8Array(exportPublicKey))), "PUBLIC KEY", ); console.log(privateKeyPem, publicKeyPem);
tmcw avatar
Developer Statistics This val lets you post statistics from your GitHub Actions runs to build charts of change over time. We do this by having a step at the end of our actions run like this: - name: devstats run: | curl -X "POST" "" \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer ${{ secrets.DEVSTATS_TOKEN }}' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \ -d $"{ \"name\": \"node_modules_kb\", \"value\": $(du -sk node_modules | awk '{print $1}') }" And setting a DEVSTATS_TOKEN value, which could be any short random value, both in Val Town environment variables and as a secret in your GitHub Actions configuration. Currently the name you attach to a statistic can be anything, and the value is expected to be a number.
maxm avatar
Simple Wikipedia Instant Search A quick demo of getting fuzzy matching and instant search working on Val Town
g avatar
GitHub Line Counter 🚀 GitHub Line Counter , live on ; Ever wondered how many lines of code are in a GitHub repo without the hassle of cloning it? Say hello to GitHub Line Counter — your friendly, web-based LOC inspector! 🌟 What It Does This simple tool fetches the GitHub repository as a ZIP file, decompresses it on the fly (thanks to fflate 💨), and counts the lines of code — on with an incredible bandwith and speed. Built with Vanilla JS on the frontend and powered by on the backend, it’s lightweight, fast, and ready to use! How to Use Just paste the repo URL, hit "Count Lines," and watch the magic happen! ✨
michaelwschultz avatar
Gathers information and returns an image of this val Why I'm using this val for my 3-color e-ink display run by a Raspberry Pi Zero W. The Pi runs a cron job that tell's it to fetch this url twice a day and render it to the display. Works like a charm. Right now I'm not displaying much but I'm going to keep iterating on what type of information I want to display. How I'll post more info on my set up here later if you want to try something similar. But I assume this workflow could be used for lot's of different projects that don't have a ton of compute or where you don't want to learn how to actually draw things to a screen like all the e-ink display libraries.
maxm avatar
Eval web demo Security Caveats This code runs in a Worker with { permissions: { write: false, read: false, net: false } } . This is likely very safe, but if you enable network access keep in mind that users might generate junk network traffic or attempt to make infinite loops. If sandboxed code knows the name of one of your private vals it will be able to import the code with import "" . If you enabled write: true in the Worker, the unix socket that Deno uses to communicate with the host can be deleted and intercepted. This might mean that evaluated code can steal the socket and read the next request. You should not use this to evaluate code that should not be read by a previous evaluation. All code is running on the same process and you are not protected from exotic attacks like speculative execution. Overview You can use this library to evaluate code: import { evalCode } from "" console.log(await evalCode("export const foo = 1")) // => 1 You can use this library with to return the last value without needing to export it. This is how the /eval api endpoint used to work and makes the library preform similarly to a repl. import { evalCode } from "" import { transform } from "" console.log(await evalCode(transform("1+1"))) // => 2 Here's an example UI application that demonstrates how you can string this all together: (source: Security Model Code is evaluated using a dynamic import within a Worker. await import(`data:text/tsx,${encodeURIComponent(}`); Running the code withing a Worker prevents access to GlobalThis and window from leaking between evals. Similarly, access to Deno.env is prevented and evaluations will see errors when trying to access any environment variables. TODO: what else?
maxm avatar
An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by maxm
stevekrouse avatar
Needs GITHUB_CONTRIBUTIONS key set in your Val Town Environment Variables . Get this token here: Give it basically the minimum permissions. It should only pull public data anyways.
begoon avatar
This val default exports a function returning ValInfo. The val information comes from the Deno stack trace induced by throw new Error() . type ValInfo = { stack: string[]; // mostly for debugging endpoint: string; // val endpoint URL, empty if it is not an HTTP val user: string; // user name name: string; // val name }; Here is an example program: import thisval from ""; const val = thisval(); export default async function(req: Request): Promise<Response> { return Response.json(val); } when invoked, it returns: { "stack": [ "Error", " at info (", " at" ], "endpoint": "", "user": "begoon", "name": "thisvaltest" }
muhammad_owais_warsi avatar
QR Code Generator
jdan avatar
dialog Renders windows 98 dialog boxes as SVGs. Using satori and styles from 98.css Usage w =200& h =110& title =Hello& caption =World w (default: 200): the width of the dialog h (default: 110): the height of the dialog title (default: "{title}"): the text in the title bar caption (default: "{caption}"): the caption text
neverstew avatar
⚡ Supercharge your query params Tired of the old x=y query param limitations? Ever wished you could say x>y or x!=y as well? Now you can! Parse query params with superchargedQueryParams and you get an array of operations for each parameter instead: import { superchargeQueryParams } from ""; console.log(superchargeQueryParams(new URL(">d&e!=f&e>=g"))) // {"a":[{"eq":"b"}],"c":[{"gt":"d"}],"e":[{"ne":"f"},{"gte":"g"}]}