Script THIS IS NO LONGER NECESSARY This Val will proxy anthropic HTTP requests from some frontend client, like langchain, so that you can utilize anthropic apis from the browser. Convert it to an HTTP val in order to use it (you may want to setup an ENV var / header to protect the endpoint with a secret key)
HTTP (deprecated)
Github Release Notes from package.json Enter a raw github URL to a package.json, and get a response of all release notes for all packages from current to latest. Roadmap [ ] GenAI summary [ ] Weekly cron email reports [ ] Send update PRs [ ] Other package managers like PyPi [ ] Formatting/styling [ ] Loading spinner
vimarkdown Try it now A VIM-mode markdown editor built with Val Town . Features Write markdown in the browser with VIM keybindings Minimal, focused UI Saves to localStorage Multiple color modes Markdown -> HTML preview (⌘+P) NOT mobile-friendly Fork this editor on Val Town to make it your own Inspired by iA Writer
Made by Jxnblk TODO [ ] Add syntax highlighting to frontmatter block [ ] Support multiple fonts
HTTP (deprecated)
Excalidraw, embedded inside Val Town ! The drawing will be persisted in your blobs as json / png / svg. You can access the drawing source directly using the /json , /png and /svg subpaths. For example, to embed the image in a markdown document, you can use: ![](