Forked from std/sqlite
* This app generates cute daily notes for a daughter using OpenAI's GPT model.
* It stores the generated notes in SQLite for persistence and displays them on a simple web interface.
* The app uses React for the frontend and Deno's runtime environment in Val Town for the backend.
* This application helps users write detailed reviews of coffee shops. It fetches coffee shop data
* from the OpenStreetMap Nominatim API, allows users to add custom details, and stores the augmented
* information in a SQLite database. The app provides a user interface to view, add, and edit coffee shop reviews.
* It uses React for the frontend, the Nominatim API for initial coffee shop data,
* and Val Town's SQLite for data persistence.
* This credit card payoff calculator app allows users to:
* 1. Add and remove multiple credit cards with their balances and interest rates
* 2. Calculate monthly payments based on desired payoff time
* 3. View individual card payoff information
* 4. See a combined view of all cards
* 5. Visualize payoff data with different types of charts
* It uses React for the UI, SQLite for data persistence, and Chart.js for visualization.
* The app is now optimized for mobile devices with responsive design.
August 19, 2024