
Automatically answers issues from NationStates using AI sentiment analysis, for free!


  • Huggingface token (HF_TOKEN) for the sentiment analysis of options. Generate a read-only token at Huggingface after making an account to use.
  • Email address (EMAIL) for user agent. Required as per NationStates ToS
  • Autologin token (AUTOLOGIN) for logging into NationStates. See NationStates API docs for more info.
  • Nation name (NATION_ID). Put your nation name, the one you use when you login to your account.

Selects the option with the highest positivity score. Feel free to adapt the algorithm to your own tastes.

See the Republic of Positivum for an example of this val in action.

Runs every 6 hrs
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June 26, 2024