

👷 Building Val Town
Joined August 31, 2022
Public vals
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Twitter 𝕏 keyword Alerts Custom notifications for when you, your company, or anything you care about is mentioned on Twitter. 1. Authentication You'll need a Twitter Bearer Token. Follow these instructions to get one. Unfortunately it costs $100 / month to have a Basic Twitter Developer account. If you subscribe to Val Town Pro, I can let you "borrow" my token. Just comment on this val and I'll hook you up. 2. Query Change the query variable for what you want to get notified for. You can use Twitter's search operators to customize your query, for some collection of keywords, filtering out others, and much more! 3. Notification Below I'm sending these mentions to a private channel in our company Discord, but you can customize that to whatever you want, @std/email, Slack, Telegram, whatever. TODO [x] ~Filter out retweets. We've long wanted to filter these out. Should be a quick fix if anyone wants to send me a PR :)~ Completed by @sumukh
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@jsxImportSource npm:hono@3/jsx
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HTTP (preview)
An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by tmcw
tmcw avatar
This val demonstrates how TypeBox objects are interchangeable with JSON Schema objects - if you run JSON.stringify() on one of them, you immediately get a JSON Schema validator. They do, in memory, have additional methods and information, but their easy conversion to JSON Schema objects is a major win.
tmcw avatar
Check it out here: https://chess.maxmcd.com Plain, brutalist, no bloat chess. Every page is only html and css. Every chess move is made by clicking a link. Send a link to your friend and they'll send you one back to make your move. No silly animations or slick interactivity to trip up your gameplay. When Google indexes this site will we successfully compute all possible chess moves? Functionality is quite limited, and things might be broken. Please let me know if you find bugs! Inspired by this HN discussion about sites that have all possible game states of tic-tac-toe. I plan on extending this to support real gameplay. I think it could be a nice simple interface for long form games with friends. Might also be fun to add a static AI to play against. Feel free to PR any changes if you'd like to see something added.
tmcw avatar
An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by tmcw
tmcw avatar
An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by tmcw
tmcw avatar
@jsxImportSource https://esm.sh/react@18.2.0
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@jsxImportSource https://esm.sh/react
tmcw avatar
An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by tmcw
tmcw avatar
title: Beige Goat category: blob This val is a quick demo of setting and getting a blob.
tmcw avatar
Date Me Directory This is entry-point val for the source code for the Date Me Directory. Contributions welcome! This app uses Hono as the server framework and for JSX . The vals are stored in Val Town SQLite . Contributing Forking this repo should mostly work, except for the sqlite database. You'll need to create the table & populate it with some data. This script should do it, but I think it has a couple bugs. If you're interested in contributing to this project contact me or comment on this val and I'll get it working for ya! Todos [ ] Make the SQLite database forkable and build a widget/workflow for that, ie fix @stevekrouse/dateme_sqlite [ ] Require an email (that isn't shared publicly) [ ] Verify the email address with a "magic link" [ ] Refactor Location to an array of Lat, Lon [ ] Geocode all the existing locations [ ] Add a geocoder map input to the form [ ] Allow selecting multiple location through the form [ ] Profile performance & speed up site, possibly add more caching [ ] Let people edit their forms [ ] Featured profiles
tmcw avatar
Date Me Directory This is entry-point val for the source code for the Date Me Directory. Contributions welcome! This app uses Hono as the server framework and for JSX . The vals are stored in Val Town SQLite . Contributing Forking this repo should mostly work, except for the sqlite database. You'll need to create the table & populate it with some data. This script should do it, but I think it has a couple bugs. If you're interested in contributing to this project contact me or comment on this val and I'll get it working for ya! Todos [ ] Make the SQLite database forkable and build a widget/workflow for that, ie fix @stevekrouse/dateme_sqlite [ ] Require an email (that isn't shared publicly) [ ] Verify the email address with a "magic link" [ ] Refactor Location to an array of Lat, Lon [ ] Geocode all the existing locations [ ] Add a geocoder map input to the form [ ] Allow selecting multiple location through the form [ ] Profile performance & speed up site, possibly add more caching [ ] Let people edit their forms [ ] Featured profiles
tmcw avatar
An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by tmcw