stevekrouse avatar
CORS issues are the bane of frontend engineers. In Val Town, if you don't customize any CORS headers, we add these defaults: Access-Control-Allow-Origin: "*" Access-Control-Allow-Methods: "GET,HEAD,PUT,PATCH,POST,DELETE" You can override them if you wish to disallow CORS. This val is a client-side-rendered React app that makes requests to @stevekrouse/cors_example_backend. The backend is in a different val because CORS applies to requests on different domains. The backend has examples of the default permissive CORS behavior and disabled CORS.
stevekrouse avatar
CronGPT This is a minisite to help you create cron expressions, particularly for crons on Val Town. It was inspired by Cron Prompt , but also does the timezone conversion from wherever you are to UTC (typically the server timezone). Tech Hono for routing ( GET / and POST /compile .) Hono JSX HTML (probably overcomplicates things; should remove) @stevekrouse/openai, which is a light wrapper around @std/openai TODO [ ] simplify by removing HTMX (try doing the form as a GET request, manual JS script, or client side react) [ ] make the timezone picker better (fewer options, searchable) [ ] add a copy button?
neverstew avatar
CORS issues are the bane of frontend engineers. In Val Town, if you don't customize any CORS headers, we add these defaults: Access-Control-Allow-Origin: "*" Access-Control-Allow-Methods: "GET,HEAD,PUT,PATCH,POST,DELETE" You can override them if you wish to disallow CORS. Check out @neverstew/setCorsHeaders for the easiest way to do this in your code. This val is a client-side-rendered React app that makes requests to @stevekrouse/cors_example_backend. The backend is in a different val because CORS applies to requests on different domains. The backend has examples of the default permissive CORS behavior and disabled CORS.
stevekrouse avatar
Date Me Directory This is entry-point val for the source code for the Date Me Directory. Contributions welcome! This app uses Hono as the server framework and for JSX . The vals are stored in Val Town SQLite . Contributing Forking this repo should mostly work, except for the sqlite database. You'll need to create the table & populate it with some data. This script should do it, but I think it has a couple bugs. If you're interested in contributing to this project contact me or comment on this val and I'll get it working for ya! Todos [ ] Make the SQLite database forkable and build a widget/workflow for that, ie fix @stevekrouse/dateme_sqlite [ ] Require an email (that isn't shared publicly) [ ] Verify the email address with a "magic link" [ ] Refactor Location to an array of Lat, Lon [ ] Geocode all the existing locations [ ] Add a geocoder map input to the form [ ] Allow selecting multiple location through the form [ ] Profile performance & speed up site, possibly add more caching [ ] Let people edit their forms [ ] Featured profiles
stevekrouse avatar
[ ] streaming we can't stream into an actual val - we can only write a full piece of text, i guess we can stream back the code so we don't get bored while we wait [ ] send the code of the valwriter back to gpt only if it's related, might need some threads [ ] send errors, logs back to gpt [ ] get screenshots of the output back to gpt [ ] experiment with applying diffs instead of regenerating from scratch every time could also have it as a conversation as the main thing and only the diffs get applied or the whole code gets replaced, maybe tool use it the key here... which does make it seem like a custom gpt may be the better fit...
May 10, 2024