HTTP (deprecated)

A blog written, developed and hosted on

How ?

Each article on this blog is contained single val, with a #blog tag.

See this example article.

// #blog // title: Example Post import { article } from ""; import { extractValInfo } from ""; import { html } from ""; export async function examplePost(req: Request) { const { author, name } = extractValInfo(import.meta.url); return html(await article(author, name)); }

Each of these post work on it's own.

This val is able to:

  • list them with the /v1/search api (with a #blog query)
    • post with different author than the owner of this val will be filtered out
    • only public vals will be listed
  • render the readme of those vals using remark (with github styling)

This process run each time a user visit the web endpoint, so the blog is always up to date.

You can get your own instance of the blog by just forking this val.

Val Town is a social website to write and deploy JavaScript.
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February 12, 2024