on a mission to give you superpowers. unsure how i feel about static types. https://jordanscales.com
Public vals
dialog Renders windows 98 dialog boxes as SVGs. Using satori and styles from 98.css Usage https://jdan-dialog.web.val.run/? w =200& h =110& title =Hello& caption =World w (default: 200): the width of the dialog h (default: 110): the height of the dialog title (default: "{title}"): the text in the title bar caption (default: "{caption}"): the caption text
Populated with the following: import { blob } from "https://esm.town/v/std/blob?v=12";
fetch("https://unicode.org/Public/UNIDATA/UnicodeData.txt").then(async function(response) {
const text = await response.text();
const data = {};
text.split("\n").forEach((line) => {
const [code, name] = line.split(";");
data[code] = name;
await blob.setJSON("unicode_names", data);
honoBasicAuthMiddleware You should use https://hono.dev/middleware/builtin/basic-auth instead. Used to authenticate your HTTP vals build with Hono behind a username/password challenge. Browsers store this information alongside your other passwords. Usage In basicAuthButton , I secure two routes (one for viewing a value, one for updating it) behind a username/password combo stores in my Env variables. /** @jsxImportSource npm:hono@3/jsx */
import { honoBasicAuthMiddleware } from "https://esm.town/v/jdan/honoBasicAuthMiddleware";
import { blob } from "https://esm.town/v/std/blob?v=12";
import { Hono } from "npm:hono";
/** Authenticate the URL */
const secretUsername = Deno.env.get("BUTTON_USERNAME");
const secretPassword = Deno.env.get("BUTTON_PASSWORD");
app.use(honoBasicAuthMiddleware(secretUsername, secretPassword));
app.get("/", async (c) => {
const lastPressed = await blob.getJSON(blobStorageKey) || "Never";
return c.html(
<h1>Last Pressed: {lastPressed}</h1>
<form method="POST" action="/press">
<input type="submit" />
HTTP (deprecated)
basicAuthButton An authenticated micro-app for tracking the last time I took a medication. Both GET / and POST /press are authenticated using honoBasicAuthMiddleware . GET / Views the value of basicAuthButton:last-pressed in blob storage. POST /press Updates the value of basicAuthButton:last-pressed in blob storage with the current timestamp.