i move away from the mic to breathe in
Public vals
simple wrapper for Alchemy's blockchain APIs , for fetching blockchain data. Ethereum, Solana, etc uses my personal ALCHEMY_API_KEY, I forget if you can use it too or not! get your own if it doesn't work used by some of my other vals: https://www.val.town/v/jamiedubs/nftMetadata etc
glif API mini-SDK
make generative magical AI things set your GLIF_API_TOKEN in your own ENV, or you'll hit rate limits: https://glif.app/settings/api-tokens call from your val like: import { runGlif } from "https://esm.town/v/jamiedubs/runGlif";
const json = await runGlif({ id: "cluu91eda000cv8jd675qsrby", inputs: ["hello", "world"] });
HTTP (deprecated)
dark greetings cryptoadventurers. This val will print the contents of a given Ethereum wallet's Synthetic Loot , which is procedurally generated from your wallet address. To look at your sLoot in a browser with some fun pixel art, check out timshel's Synthetic Loot Viewer to use this endpoint, pass ?address=0x... e.g. https://jamiedubs-syntheticloot.web.val.run/?account=0xf296178d553c8ec21a2fbd2c5dda8ca9ac905a00 the default response type is JSON. You can also get a simple list of the loot bag contents using ?format=text . e.g. https://jamiedubs-syntheticloot.web.val.run/?account=0xf296178d553c8ec21a2fbd2c5dda8ca9ac905a00&format=text
HTTP (deprecated)
fetch the contents of the Wikipedia "On this day in history" page. defaults to JSON output, but specify ?format=text or ?format=html for other outputs. e.g. https://jamiedubs-wikipediatoday.web.val.run/?format=json https://jamiedubs-wikipediatoday.web.val.run/?format=text https://jamiedubs-wikipediatoday.web.val.run/?format=html #wikipedia
HTTP (deprecated)
a super simple JSON setter/getter using valtown blobs. use GET to fetch it, use POST to set it. expects the inbound data to be JSON for simplicity. use ?key=foobar to specify different storage locations. set: curl -s -X POST -d '{"lol": "wut"}' https://jamiedubs-databin.web.val.run?key=foobar get: curl -s https://jamiedubs-databin.web.val.run?key=foobar
# {"lol":"wut"}