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Telegram API examples & templates

Use these vals as a playground to view and fork Telegram API examples and templates on Val Town. Run any example below or find templates that can be used as a pre-built solution.
ghsaboias avatar
An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by ghsaboias
austinm911 avatar
Message yourself on Telegram This val lets you send yourself Telegram messages via ValTownBot . This ValTownBot saves you from creating your own Telegram Bot. However if I'm being honest, it's really simple and fun to make your own Telegram bot. (You just message BotFather .) I'd recommend most folks going that route so you have an unmediated connection to Telegram. However if you want to have the simplest possible setup to just send yourself messages, read on... Installation It takes less than a minute to set up! Start a conversation with ValTownBot Copy the secret it gives you Save it in your Val Town Environment Variables under telegram Send a message! Usage telegramText import { telegramText } from ""; const statusResponse = await telegramText("Hello from Val.Town!!"); console.log(statusResponse); telegramPhoto import { telegramPhoto } from ""; const statusResponse = await telegramPhoto({ photo: "", }); console.log(statusResponse); ValTownBot Commands /roll - Roll your secret in case you accidentally leak it. /webhook - Set a webhook to receive messages you send to @ValTownBot Receiving Messages If you send /webhook to @ValTownBot, it will let you specify a webhook URL. It will then forward on any messages (that aren't recognized @ValTownBot commands) to that webhook. It's particularly useful for creating personal chatbots, like my telegram <-> DallE bot . How it works Telegram has a lovely API. I created a @ValTownBot via Bot Father . I created a webhook and registered it with telegram Whenever someone new messages @ValTownBot, I generate a secret and save it along with their Chat Id in @stevekrouse/telegramValTownBotSecrets (a private val), and message it back to them Now whenever you call this val, it calls telegramValTownAPI , which looks up your Chat Id via your secret and sends you a message Telegram Resources Val Town Telegram Echo Bot Guide Telegram <-> DallE Bot Bot Father - the father of all Telegram Bots Telegram Bot Tutorial Credits This val was originally made by pomdtr . Todo [ ] Store user data in Val Town SQLite [ ] Parse user data on the API side using Zod
flafi87 avatar
An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by flafi87
stevekrouse avatar
Message yourself on Telegram This val lets you send yourself Telegram messages via ValTownBot . This ValTownBot saves you from creating your own Telegram Bot. However if I'm being honest, it's really simple and fun to make your own Telegram bot. (You just message BotFather .) I'd recommend most folks going that route so you have an unmediated connection to Telegram. However if you want to have the simplest possible setup to just send yourself messages, read on... Installation It takes less than a minute to set up! Start a conversation with ValTownBot Copy the secret it gives you Save it in your Val Town Environment Variables under telegram Send a message! Usage telegramText import { telegramText } from ""; const statusResponse = await telegramText("Hello from Val.Town!!"); console.log(statusResponse); telegramPhoto import { telegramPhoto } from ""; const statusResponse = await telegramPhoto({ photo: "", }); console.log(statusResponse); ValTownBot Commands /roll - Roll your secret in case you accidentally leak it. /webhook - Set a webhook to receive messages you send to @ValTownBot Receiving Messages If you send /webhook to @ValTownBot, it will let you specify a webhook URL. It will then forward on any messages (that aren't recognized @ValTownBot commands) to that webhook. It's particularly useful for creating personal chatbots, like my telegram <-> DallE bot . How it works Telegram has a lovely API. I created a @ValTownBot via Bot Father . I created a webhook and registered it with telegram Whenever someone new messages @ValTownBot, I generate a secret and save it along with their Chat Id in @stevekrouse/telegramValTownBotSecrets (a private val), and message it back to them Now whenever you call this val, it calls telegramValTownAPI , which looks up your Chat Id via your secret and sends you a message Telegram Resources Val Town Telegram Echo Bot Guide Telegram <-> DallE Bot Bot Father - the father of all Telegram Bots Telegram Bot Tutorial Credits This val was originally made by pomdtr . Todo [ ] Store user data in Val Town SQLite [ ] Parse user data on the API side using Zod
stevekrouse avatar
An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by stevekrouse
vtdocs avatar
An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by vtdocs
vtdocs avatar
An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by vtdocs
pomdtr avatar
An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by pomdtr
pomdtr avatar
An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by pomdtr
dpetrouk avatar
// Forked from @vtdocs.telegramWebhookEchoMessage
vtdocs avatar
An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by vtdocs
marksteve avatar
An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by marksteve
narthur avatar
An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by narthur
vtdocs avatar
An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by vtdocs
vtdocs avatar
An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by vtdocs
stevekrouse avatar
An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by stevekrouse