Reddit API examples & templates
Use these vals as a playground to view and fork Reddit API examples and templates on Val Town. Run any example below or find templates that can be used as a pre-built solution.
Reddit Keyword Alert via SMS This Val monitors Reddit for posts with keywords and sends you SMS notifications. Example:
Prerequisites: Twilio account (for SMS notifications) You can create an account with $15 free credits at without putting in your credit card SerpApi key (for searching Reddit) Customize all of these according to your preferences: const apiKey = Deno.env.get("SERP_API_KEY");
const twilioSid = Deno.env.get("TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID");
const twilioToken = Deno.env.get("TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN");
const fromNumber = Deno.env.get("TWILIO_PHONE_NUMBER");
const toNumber = Deno.env.get("YOUR_PHONE_NUMBER");
const query = "\"node\" OR \"node.js\"";
Reddit Keyword Alerts [TEMPLATE] Get notifications when specific keywords appear in Reddit posts. This template will help you: Search Reddit for specific keywords within a defined time range. Send notifications to your preferred platform (Discord, Slack, email, etc.) Reddit does not have an API that allows users to scrape data, so we are doing this with the Google Search API, Serp . Example This val tracks mentions of "Val Town" and related terms on Reddit, filtering results from the last 7 days and sending alerts to a Discord webhook.
Set Up 1. Fork this Val To start using this template, fork this val by clicking the fork button at the top-right corner of the page.
2. View Source Code The CODE box shows you the the full source code of this val, you may need to scroll down to see it.
3. Get a SerpApi Key This template requires a SerpApi key to search Reddit posts via Google search results. Get a SerpApi key : Sign up at SerpApi to create an account. Generate an API key from your account dashboard. Add the SerpApi key to your environment variables : Go to your Val Town environment variables . Add a new key: Key: SERP_API_KEY Value: Your SERP API key. Without this key, the val will not function correctly. 4. Customize Keyword In the CODE box below, update the terms or phrases you want to track:
const KEYWORDS = "\"node\" OR \"node.js\""; 5. Set Up Your Notification Method This template uses a Discord webhook for notifications. You can update this to your preferred platform: Create a Discord webhook following this guide .
Save your webhook URL in your Val Town environment variables: Key: mentionsDiscord Value: Your Discord webhook URL.
Notifications will be sent using this function: await discordWebhook({
url: Deno.env.get("mentionsDiscord"),
}); To switch to another platform (e.g., Slack, email, or custom webhooks), replace the discordWebhook call with the appropriate integration ((e.g., @std/email , Slack , or anywhere else ) 🎉 Congrats! You now have a val running that ensures you never miss another Reddit mention. 🎉 NOTE: Usage Limits SerpApi: Free SerpApi accounts have monthly call limits.