xkonti avatar
This Val is a template for creating GPT actions. To have a full explanation on how to use it or create your own, you can check out the Creating GPT Actions with ValTown tutorial: Video on YouTube Article on xkonti.tech The GPT using it: Game Idea Exchange GPT
sebch avatar
BTC Price Alert This val monitors the price of Bitcoin (BTC) and sends an email alert if the price fluctuates significantly. Specifically, it checks the current BTC price against the last recorded price and triggers an email notification if the change exceeds 20%. The email includes the new price, formatted as currency. Fork this val to get these notifications on your inbox.
curtcox avatar
Echo incoming request as JSON See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Request
stevekrouse avatar
An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by stevekrouse
postpostscript avatar
@postpostscript/readmeManager: Edit Val Readmes With Persistent Drafts edit this readme Todo: [ ] Upload images [ ] Autosave/save without reloading page [ ] Ctrl+S [ ] Multiple draft versions [ ] Switch to dark codemirror theme which has markdown styling [ ] Allow for checking checkboxes in preview [ ] View with just the preview [ ] Ability to favorite vals on the Home page
stevekrouse avatar
Set Blob Storage via fetch Response body Inspired by Wes Bos's tweet about Bun's elegant Filesystem API.
janpaul123 avatar
Part of Val Town Semantic Search . Uses Val Town's blob storage to search embeddings of all vals, by downloading them all and iterating through all of them to compute distance. Slow and terrible, but it works! Get metadata from blob storage: allValsBlob${dimensions}EmbeddingsMeta (currently allValsBlob1536EmbeddingsMeta ), which has a list of all indexed vals and where their embedding is stored ( batchDataIndex points to the blob, and valIndex represents the offset within the blob). The blobs have been generated by janpaul123/indexValsBlobs . It is not run automatically. Get all blobs with embeddings pointed to by the metadata, e.g. allValsBlob1536EmbeddingsData_0 for batchDataIndex 0. Call OpenAI to generate an embedding for the search query. Go through all embeddings and compute cosine similarity with the embedding for the search query. Return list sorted by similarity.
vipshek avatar
Detect New Website Contents This val fetches a given publicly-accessible URL and detects whether its contents have changed. If they have, it sends an email to notify about the change. Changes are detected by computing a quick hash of the website's contents, storing the hash, and comparing against the previously stored hash on each request. Trivial changes to the website's contents will count as a change, which may not be desired for some use cases. Usage Fork this val and update the URL to point to your website. Optionally, update the storage key or email subject. Set a schedule for how often you want to detect changes (default 1h). Receive updates when the given website changes.
stevekrouse avatar
Image downsizer and uploader
wilhelm avatar
Sends me an email if Sweden's requirements for EU Blue Card changes. Checks once an hour.
jonataaroeira avatar
To-dos: Spruce up styles a bit Write this README ~Add a cache!~ ~Try moving style tag to the bottom by prompting so content appears immediately and then becomes styled~ didn't work b/c CSS parsing isn't progressive Need more prompting to get the model not to generate placeholder-y content Better root URL page / index page with links to some good sample generations
websandbox avatar
An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by websandbox
stevekrouse avatar
Bluesky keyword alerts Custom notifications for when you, your company, or anything you care about is mentioned on Bluesky. 1. Query Specify your queries in the queries variable. Bluesky doesn't support boolean OR yet so we do a separate search for each keyword. 2. Notification Below I'm sending these mentions to a private channel in our company Discord, but you can customize that to whatever you want, @std/email, Slack, Telegram, whatever.
adamwiggins avatar
Render form and save data This val provides a web-based interface for collecting email addresses. It features a dual-functionality approach: when accessed via a web browser using a GET request, it serves an HTML form where users can submit their email address. If the script receives a POST request, it implies that the form has been submitted, and it proceeds to handle the incoming data. Fork this val to customize it and use it on your account.
stevekrouse avatar
@jsxImportSource npm:hono@3/jsx
pomdtr avatar
An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by pomdtr
April 3, 2024