Try on Val Town This service enables quick generation of new val with specified jsr package.
Package authors can provide custom examples by setting either: valtownExample property of jsr.json / deno.json to contain example js/ts code valtownExampleFilename property of jsr.json / deno.json to point to the file with example js/ts code If no example is found val will be created with the default snippet, using @luca/flag as an example : import * as flag from "jsr:@luca/flag"; Go ahead ↗️ try it (on Val Town) ! 🎉 Additionally, the service supports ?code=<base64code> query param that allows overriding extracted/generated example code.
For example one might want to override @luca/flag 's snippet with: import { printProgress } from "jsr:@luca/flag@1";
printProgress(); In order to do so first you need to convert it to base64: $ printf 'import { printProgress } from "jsr:@luca/flag@1";\n\nprintProgress();' | base64 -w0
# ==> aW1wb3J0IHsgcHJpbnRQcm9ncmVzcyB9IGZyb20gImpzcjpAbHVjYS9mbGFnQDEiOwoKcHJpbnRQcm9ncmVzcygpOw== Then you simply construct the URL by setting the returned value to code query param: ↗️ https://vladimyr-jsr.web.val.run?code=aW1wb3J0IHsgcH... Usage https://vladimyr-jsr.web.val.run/<scope>/<name>[@<version>] https://vladimyr-jsr.web.val.run?code=<base64code> Example https://vladimyr-jsr.web.val.run/@luca/flag https://vladimyr-jsr.web.val.run/@std/assert@0.220.1 https://vladimyr-jsr.web.val.run/@mark/html@latest
Updated: April 1, 2024