- cron@stevekrouseCronGPT This is a minisite to help you create cron expressions, particularly for crons on Val Town. It was inspired by Cron Prompt , but also does the timezone conversion from wherever you are to UTC (typically the server timezone). Tech Hono for routing ( GET / and POST /compile .) Hono JSX HTMX (probably overcomplicates things; should remove) @stevekrouse/openai, which is a light wrapper around @std/openai I'm finding HTMX a bit overpowered for this, so I have two experimental forks without it: Vanilla client-side JavaScript: @stevekrouse/cron_client_side_script_fork Client-side ReactJS (no SSR): @stevekrouse/cron_client_react_fork I think (2) Client-side React without any SSR is the simplest architecture. Maybe will move to that.HTTP
- bedtimeStoryMaker@dthyressonBedtime Story Maker Inspired from a RedwoodJS demo I mde last year, this adds generative art powered by Fal to the bedtime story maker. Start writing a story by picking a style (spooky, colofrol, adventurous an animal (penguin, mouse, unicorn, whale ...) a color for the animal and activity (befriends aliens, goes to the doctor, rides a rollercoaster, bakes a cake for friends) It uses OpenAI to write a children's bedtime story title summary story for a "fantastical story about a green whale who rides the bus" or the "spooky story about the tomato fox who explores a cave". Then using the summary, OpenAI geenrates another prompt to describe the instructions to geneate a childrens story book image. That's sent to Fal to generate an image. Stories get saved to bedtime_stories in SQLite for viewing, searching and maybe sharing. You then get a bedtime story to enjoy!HTTP (deprecated)
April 9, 2024